Crafting compass


Activity Suggestion app

Release version 1 of the job suggestion app
A job abbreviation (Cor drk pld etc..)
Also keyword 
Keywords currently implemented gil, nostalgia, runs
More results being added by the day

Future plans a description for each result to get a better idea

activity suggestion app is a app I(Upbeat, DaKotah Beau Walraven) wrote for my website viewers on my website website(
the use of the app is to give you a random suggestion for something to do in game when you're unsure of what you want to do or just want to do something the app suggests in the online game Final Fantasy XI

the app is wrote in python and uses trinket to embed

this app has been very popular and I definitely plan on expanding the code to have more suggestions

I learned to write python code in high school junior year

thank you for taking time to use my code


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