Crafting compass


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How to set up precast/shot using Windower macros!

Pre-cast for Windower Scripts

There is many many ways you can go about setting this up but I'll give an example of what I'm currently using.

Here's an example of my precast set for aspir:

Below is two examples of different aspir macros. Aspir1.txt is a set to lower recast on aspir as far down as I can get it, and Aspir2.txt is for m.acc. My aspir m.acc gear is no where near perfect... don't judge me.

You'll notice a tiny wait, this is one thing that allows this to work so well. Using FFXI's macros the lowest wait you can do is 1 while with windower macros you can use a decimal point. Having the wait also helps so you don't instantly switch as that can cause some issues.
I've found " wait .04; " works fine, but it will most likely differ for each person's PC if you want to get it perfectly tweaked. 

In game macro

/console exec rdm/aspir.txt

This will run aspir.txt(precast set) inside my Windower 4\scripts\RDM folder.

/equip main "Xsaeta II"

Placing this line in the aspir.txt precast set would be fine, however I like to equip weapons using FFXI's macro it's really just a personal preference. I do it because when using jobs that switch weapons a lot it's nice to have a way to quickly edit which i want on.

/ma aspir <stnpc>

Finally! This command is the second part to what makes it all work! Actually 
<stnpc>, <stal>, <stpt>, and <stpc> is what makes it work.. If you didn't know(You should of) all the <st..>s create a purple arrow next to the person's name and as for <stal> and <stpt> you can keep your cursor on the character even when they swap gear. Making this set up perfect for people who don't use blinkmenot.

/console exec rdm/aspir1.txt

This line will wait to execute until you click the purple arrow/cursor on the target you will be casting. This is also where the small wait at the start of aspir1.txt gets used.

Something something the end.

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