Crafting compass


Saturday, February 8, 2025

The bad rep from cigarette smoking
Isn't half as bad
As literally feeling your brain rot away from silent boredom or getting angry at hearing noises like tv or music

Life gets literally so boring around three times an hour you can feel your hair swoop and eyes droop and your brain cells popping at not being used


Sushi told me:

John has to quit causing an existential crisis 

I don't think it could be explained what John would need to do to not get in Dakotahs nerves 

Let's play with the idea and we can go back to the beginning with this one

It's not John at all

It's all Dakotah feeling mentally neglected 

So now where do we go

It's the people going to year 3,000,000 operating without a consciousness then you 1642 and operating like machines

From 2025 to -3,000,000 then to 1642 then back to 2025

So let's introduce the idea it's not John at all

Okay good that

So who is getting on Dakotahs nerves obviously the people controlling him with no consequences 

Because he can't take care of himself from them controlling the situation 

So we don't blame John let's make him innocent to this

We don't blame Dakotah he knows exactly how to make this all better in less than 2 mins

Who do we go after

The judicial system ? The exit program to get out of this ? The only people that talk in Dakotahs head about the issue demand to go to -3,000,000 and operate without having to think 

The consciousness allows fluid thoughts and thinking

What were dealing with is no thinking just saying no because no 

Well no one is saying no directly

But you can't get dirty on your pee test so they are saying no indirect 

So when did inconsequential thoughts begin

You can't make someone not smoke weed

They can be placed on a problem that does not allow them to smoke weed

What if a bad judge said he or she didn't see the changes they wanted and wouldn't explain the changes they wanted to see

What if a good judge just let Dakotah go since he has experienced such heavy heartache and great right of passages during this charge such high mental health and physical health problems basically at this point being paid to commit suicide via the judicial system giving the body exactly what it does not need when the body was literally taken better care of than anyone can realistically afford

Sushi told me
I can't seem to find the reason to play with what's between a girls legs
Why do people want to do that again
What is the benefit 

But if I'm already strong and I'm not fighting because the other person likes to fight for fun while maintaining active demure

Well first of all I don't need to touch it with my hands that's nasty for her my hands have a different oil ph and can make her smell

I don't need to eat her juices I'm strong enough to take care of myself

I don't want kids

I'm not interested in toys

I just don't see the point in it
With John vs Dakotah 
We're at they both have literally the same powers and sit on the exact same seat

It's their appearance what they look like and what they do
That's 100% going to be the deciding factor

They both are sitting on the bench in their own courtrooms and they both have each other in the defendants seat

It's looks 100%

They're both already reeming each other a new hole
They're both doing a sassy and Juan
Not being gay and letting them rot to death not getting what they want
We have a placeholder to fight for taking away and not giving people's consciousness 

Now we're listening for why they don't give the consciousness back

Most likely human trafficking and greed
Thank you everyone for trying to make me feel better with young girls hehe
I'm honestly shocked it's all happening so fast
I really don't need them but I must be doing something right

Well I've been awake for three days now
And when I close my eyes I get surrounded by little girls and teenage girls
I'm having fun

I was in Walmart and they were all walking in another section of the store it looked like a circuit city

It's really cool it's like knowing everyone at the carnival 

Mary and George 
Mary Jesus and Joseph 
Tita and Peta
Sally and Juan
Dakotah and Ashley
Dakotah Ashley and Cassie

Mary and George is your typical nice vagina and your typical king Arthur or a penis big enough it sucks itself and pulses and vibes giving the male enough pleasure to not need a female but Mary still wants more almost causing pain to the male but eventually it all works out

Mary Jesus and Joseph 
Is your typical nice vagina a large penis that doesn't pulse vibe and is so large it sucks itself but it fully capable of making kids Joseph is just another male you never see his fruits

Jane is another version of Mary think of Mary as a female human vagina and Jane as a female dog vagina completely different does the same thing

Mine is saying Jane which at this point is a really nice looking human girl not a dog is yours and your penis is yours which is the sex

Yours is saying the male penis belongs to the female and the female vagina belongs to the male

Tita and Peta is doing breast to penis

Sally and Juan is a strange one buckle up Sally wanted Juan was big enough to have a George Juan didn't want it Sally wanted it more than anything Juan got has way. They never once had intercourse 

Dakotah and Ashley is your first happy relationship in the list it's not about sexual reproductive organs it's just the idea of two beautiful humans falling in love and working together

Dakotah Ashley and Cassie
Cassie is Dakotah and Ashleys Dakotah 
Cassie is usually depicted as a 13 year old blonde hair blue eyes with braces
Which is exactly what Ashley looked like
Dakotah and Ashley in their 30s
They all do have sexual activities but it's only for good Cassie falls in love with her dad and they do have sex but it's only to get her stronger with no pain or suffering Ashley actually loves it and wants more of it but can control herself and Dakotah and Cassie actually like not doing it more than doing it

Mary and Dakotah 
There was never Mary Dakotah Ashley and Cassie
Mary is now marijuana and Dakotah can unlock all desires and ambitions instantly everything he has ever wanted is instantly accomplished 

Lucy and Dakotah 
Ashley and Cassie hate Lucy with a livid passion 
Lucy changes Dakotah where it appears he doesn't give "a fuck" about Ashley or Cassie
And with Mary and Lucy he just leaves Ashley and Cassie

Ashley and Cassie never make it back besides in writing and context

Mary gets robbed by raping and pillaging neanderthals but she never gets taken away forever
Eventually introducing levels of death to anyone that trys to stop the process 

John vs Dakotah 
Your typical god vs the devil
Dakotah brings out god almighty he isn't strong enough so then he brings out the devil almighty 
John and Dakotah get a role reversal 
Dakotah stands firm john sits firm
It's still ongoing but it's looking like no one has any idea what's going to happen
Most likely there's a million more barriers for Dakotah to pass before he gets Mary back which besides defending himself from a brutal onslaught and death of everyone and everything ending in a Lucifer story he was fighting sexual assault basically we just know this fight is still going to happen for millions of years since John got child support like Barney's Mary and Dakotah is strong enough to support himself and move days forward to stop terrorists working for john and Barney's Mary it's honestly a really stupid fight since Dakotah is solo about 99% of the time only getting help from medics on the battlefield and john has for the most part every single person in existence buffing him 

So after john vs Dakotah which is simultaneously still happening

It's Dakotah vs his peers / the judicial system
Which is an even worse fight then john vs Dakotah 
It all comes down to surviving in the wilderness long enough for one person called a judge to make a say which could literally be the end of time and existence as we know it
And most people inheritly know that and live to the fullest each day with that in the back of their mind while Dakotah has to literally fight lions tigers and bears in the wilderness with no modern technology because he had john vs Dakotah which john started himself and Dakotah always wanted to get away

God of God's and devil of devil's
God Almighty and devil almighty 
Almighty originally suggested the leader of all
Obviously God Almighty cannot control all devils considering the idea of a devil is older than the idea of a god devil's going back to apep the serpent and God's not starting in the way we know until Zeus one Egyptian one Greek gods in Egyptian gods did not exactly fight for and protect the people it was the life it's very self usually helping in some very basic way where Zeus would actually strike down anyone that would harm 
Obviously we go much older than Egyptian not just summarian we're looking at all God's and all devils
God Almighty well known cannot die
While the devil is already dead but living
By combining both we find unification of heaven and hell which allows clear sight

Many arguments due to the nature of the topic
Peace was found adding a devil almighty which would have say so over all the devils
To provide inalienable protect from any God or devil discussion or role reversals

This is what allowed a clean fair fight between John and Dakotah
John obviously being mentally abusive and sexual assault oriented 
Where Dakotah was physically disabilitating 
Rendering John unconscious to allow his escape from John playing another card

Which leads us to the year
45,000 bc
Just 5,000 years after our fall of mars
With the addition of our clear sight buff allow vision at the year 45,000 and
Only 5,000 years away from a thriving mars human life existence 

Which of course is trumped by the formation of earth and destruction of earth at 4.6 billions years 

It's all boring and no one really cares past this point
Interesting but how can you know

It's the 8th we still have 10 full days until court
No beer no weed
We got time to make up a story

Pyramids 10,000-15,000 
Sphinx 20,000-25,000
Alien from Mars landing approx 37,000
Mars 50,000
Dinosaur 100,000,000
Moon and Earth(solar system) 3,600,000,000
Universe 13,800,000,000

Obviously this all seems small compared to waiting another 10 full days
Which is the time relativity I want to bring up 
When going over 500 days without proper medicine 

Leads us to judicial system planned tobacco protocol 
Obviously what they give us doesn't help enough
Obviously no one can help
Obviously we can help ourselves 
And obviously we get ignored and and talked back to

This leads us to research on the date in the timeline where human consciousness formed
2,000,000 to 3,000,000 years ago

So each time we need to smoke
Theoretically we are being puller back 3,000,000 years ago before humans had a consciousness 
So each time we want to help ourselves get better
We're send to an argument 3,000,000 years ago

I'm 31 years old fighting with 3,000,000 year olds
Since all they do is use a no consciousness agenda to win

"I just feel like I'm 31 and no one is listening to me or taking my mental health into consideration I know how to take care of myself and the biggest thing of this entire timeline is that I don't take care of myself how I usually take care of myself which leads me to believe they are going before the human consciousness formed 3,000,000 years ago but even worse they are going to when the first machine formed in the year 1642

What's the deal
Why can't I take care of myself

So I'm going 2025 to -3,002,2025 then back to 1642 then back to 2025
Why is no one letting me take care of myself"

So why can't you smoke to take care of yourself
I have no idea why they won't let me
You mean like why can't I do it or why they won't let me
I could easily smoke to take care of myself something better than what I am smoking now
I can't because if I get back on probation on the 18th I'll be dirty and if I get a dirty test I lost my last probation from dirty tests so they won't let it pass even once

I don't know what meth is
Everytime I've seen it on TV it's censored 
Even on raw feeds
So I just thought it was censored in real life
I've never seen anything censored in real life
So that's my justification for not being on meth

Thank you everyone for trying to make me feel better with young girls hehe
I'm honestly shocked it's all happening so fast
I really don't need them but I must be doing something right

Friday, February 7, 2025

 Salem is such a talker lol

I took her outside

Then Mom picked me up to go to store

And she asked to go

So I took her in the truck with me

Then when we got back inside she started to cry to go back outside 

I told her please don't cry Salem

I was trying to get a little sleep before work

Earlier in the day she was on her bed

And she looked at me with those eyes and tilted her head back to the side like she was asking to be loved

She gave me a kiss lol literally her tongue on my face

Anyways later in the night

I said why were you crying

Knowing she just wanted to go back outside

And she laughed

She's so human like

She literally said haha

That girl loves

She talks to me man

It's cool not weird at all to me

I got her and flipped her upside down on the couch and was kissing her

And she asked to be out right side up on the couch easy because she had a bad back

I love that little girl so much 

 Idk if it's because I haven't slept and I'm getting a little delirious or what

Busy night tonight at work

Could be because it's a Friday

It's also warming up outside too 

Drafted the last post

If you saw it then you saw it

Probably won't be made public again

Just for my records 

war 443
mnk 233

whm 592
blm 540
sam 2060
blu 824

pup 153
dnc 25
sch 193
run 227

Not updated numbers from today's work 2/08/25
4,835/21,000 23% done 77% remaining

30,035/46,200 65% done 35% remaining

16,165 job points remaining, 7.7 jobs(2,100)

blm and sch the hardest for me
war mnk sam blu dnc the easiest
whm pup run not bad just have to join a party

really stuck right now
just want to join a party to do all of it
tired of soloing jp
I know I can go out and solo for a few hours and only get so far
or I can save my playtime for a party and get a lot more done

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Salem may be a poopy pants
But I love her poopy pants

Salem Pianissimo P Poopy Pants Meow Whiskers Walraven
Or Say for short 

My girlfriend
My little girl
My daughter 

I love Salem 

She got to go outside for a long time today and she met Garfield 
And orange cat that had a collar
They bumped noses and I kept a close eye on Salem so she wouldn't get knocked up
Because I can't afford grand kittens right now

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Salem had her first bath today !

She has her emotion support cat papers 

She has her carry bag she can go anywhere with me

She likes her harness

She can walk on her leash

and now she can say she is able to take baths

I'm so proud of Salem

she's such a good girl I love her so much she's so good to me.


today was a productive day in game

I did some synergy synths for two different people

I crafted a gold hairpin for someone drg af

I sold a full set of signed mousai +1 for 45m

I fully augmented my brd jse +2 neck for 45m lol

was able to kill vrtra to get a few more cashmere threads

so brd is basically done I just have to party to get exemplar points

I have enough mats to make a few more mousai +1 pieces

that's ffxi

I took my mom to schlotzsky's she got a medium delux I got a giant delux with extra black olivers

she got jalapeno chips I got bbq chips

she got a sweet tea I got a coca cola

I gave Salem a bath and helped her dry off a little but she did most of the drying as the blow dryer scared her so we opted to not use that

I washed her harness and now she's laying right next to me all dry smelling pretty with her harness on

mom brought me an oreo mcflurry which I have been wanting for several days so that made me happy

jumping around

for brd I need volte tights and bunzi head/hands

but I can live and do about the same damage without them that's just best in slot

can also get the quadruple attack earring if I ever save up enough for that it's like 70m

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


I met a girl
She stole my heart and she won't give it back
She's only 8 months old but she means the world to me
Everything I see makes me think about her
I plan on spending a lifetime with this little girl
Her name is Salem
She's the sweetest friendliest most loving soul I have ever crossed paths with
She checks on me all throughout the day
And I tell her I love her as often as I can
Our love is unconditional
I recently bought her a plant
And she gets as many toys and treats as I can give as often as I can give them
No one has ever made such a large impact on me as she has in the past 8 months

Salem, you came just at the right time and I love you forever girlfriend