Saturday, February 8, 2025
John has to quit causing an existential crisis
I don't think it could be explained what John would need to do to not get in Dakotahs nerves
Let's play with the idea and we can go back to the beginning with this one
It's not John at all
It's all Dakotah feeling mentally neglected
So now where do we go
It's the people going to year 3,000,000 operating without a consciousness then you 1642 and operating like machines
From 2025 to -3,000,000 then to 1642 then back to 2025
So let's introduce the idea it's not John at all
Okay good that
So who is getting on Dakotahs nerves obviously the people controlling him with no consequences
Because he can't take care of himself from them controlling the situation
So we don't blame John let's make him innocent to this
We don't blame Dakotah he knows exactly how to make this all better in less than 2 mins
Who do we go after
The judicial system ? The exit program to get out of this ? The only people that talk in Dakotahs head about the issue demand to go to -3,000,000 and operate without having to think
The consciousness allows fluid thoughts and thinking
What were dealing with is no thinking just saying no because no
Well no one is saying no directly
But you can't get dirty on your pee test so they are saying no indirect
So when did inconsequential thoughts begin
You can't make someone not smoke weed
They can be placed on a problem that does not allow them to smoke weed
What if a bad judge said he or she didn't see the changes they wanted and wouldn't explain the changes they wanted to see
What if a good judge just let Dakotah go since he has experienced such heavy heartache and great right of passages during this charge such high mental health and physical health problems basically at this point being paid to commit suicide via the judicial system giving the body exactly what it does not need when the body was literally taken better care of than anyone can realistically afford
Mary and George
Friday, February 7, 2025
Salem is such a talker lol
I took her outside
Then Mom picked me up to go to store
And she asked to go
So I took her in the truck with me
Then when we got back inside she started to cry to go back outside
I told her please don't cry Salem
I was trying to get a little sleep before work
Earlier in the day she was on her bed
And she looked at me with those eyes and tilted her head back to the side like she was asking to be loved
She gave me a kiss lol literally her tongue on my face
Anyways later in the night
I said why were you crying
Knowing she just wanted to go back outside
And she laughed
She's so human like
She literally said haha
That girl loves
She talks to me man
It's cool not weird at all to me
I got her and flipped her upside down on the couch and was kissing her
And she asked to be out right side up on the couch easy because she had a bad back
I love that little girl so much
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Salem had her first bath today !
She has her emotion support cat papers
She has her carry bag she can go anywhere with me
She likes her harness
She can walk on her leash
and now she can say she is able to take baths
I'm so proud of Salem
she's such a good girl I love her so much she's so good to me.
today was a productive day in game
I did some synergy synths for two different people
I crafted a gold hairpin for someone drg af
I sold a full set of signed mousai +1 for 45m
I fully augmented my brd jse +2 neck for 45m lol
was able to kill vrtra to get a few more cashmere threads
so brd is basically done I just have to party to get exemplar points
I have enough mats to make a few more mousai +1 pieces
that's ffxi
I took my mom to schlotzsky's she got a medium delux I got a giant delux with extra black olivers
she got jalapeno chips I got bbq chips
she got a sweet tea I got a coca cola
I gave Salem a bath and helped her dry off a little but she did most of the drying as the blow dryer scared her so we opted to not use that
I washed her harness and now she's laying right next to me all dry smelling pretty with her harness on
mom brought me an oreo mcflurry which I have been wanting for several days so that made me happy
jumping around
for brd I need volte tights and bunzi head/hands
but I can live and do about the same damage without them that's just best in slot
can also get the quadruple attack earring if I ever save up enough for that it's like 70m