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That was your debt for using
Him as heroin
You should have like 20 extra years of back pay on Dakotah
You killed him
He gives that afterwards
You are still using him as heroin
Usually you want to be around your kids no matter what
You giving randoms money
That would go to him
Like helping homeless
When he's worse
Waiting for his smell of death to call
Id make you pay 2,000 a month for 30 years at this point
On the back pay
This is what we have been saying the entire time
You did that to Dakotah
Then went to the pin
And found heroin
Then forgot Dakotah by having him take your spot for what you did to him
Which gave Dakotah your punishment for what you did to him
And you got to work
It's not supposed to be like that Barney
Then your money is always short
Not long
*dad: to me it means you don't care
dakotah: about what?
dakotah: now do you care to explain
dakotah: or do you not care enough to explain ??
christ fucking jesus
for once
he has something
on christ
for once
body mods
pre fab
head of state
texas running usa
usa running entire globe
glove everything
Conundrum no girls issue
Excuse me
Speaking in Latin for a moment
Remove the importance
So it's none
Go have fun
Latin off
Time for cawhfEEEE
Getting the roast warm
Today we're drinking VaGINA(inside an office where we drink different things )
Aaah :) watching the vagina warm up
Want a job
Can't with disability and SSI
Have to report hours not worth it
It's disability
Not unemployment
It lasts the entire lifetime
never ga good day of head sex vagina money
got good days ofg weed
that's all dakotah
all of that
today is our day
they have to go in the line
because cut
and ours 100%
that's the owner
they work a little harder but no slaves lol
those are slaves
DAD: I shoul;dn't of made ya'll stop drug trafficing
(his life must be headed towards turmoil
I mean you help us
but he was doing all the work
that's what it was
think they can take care of selves
I'd just feed the baby lol
we're all like in our 50s+
and he's still like 6
paying rent making coffee
going to jail
after the pin after solitarie
and he has to suck his own cock to a dick
while we cock suck it
that's what he says !!!
having to pay for probation
and rent
and food
ur 30
i'm not 30 i'm 11 or 4 !!!
yur 30
ur wrong
point to date
I know
well thank you
kristi that's your vagina
that's what I wnted him to want but he wanted penis
he wantd to see your vagfina when he asked you to marry him when he was 4 and you were 14
he knew you'd never go awy in his entire life
so by asking
it shows how needy and sad you are
for trying to show him why ur too good to marry him
hehe she said no
but never left him
so she did marry him
but didn't let him get any of the good
and didn't
but still eats his shit heeheh
barney barney ronny holly john
all right where I want them
today is a great day
crafting a method
to cleanse
all the
people taking poop
that's wrong
anon people that have made ideas in their head
that has stuck
but is wrong
trying to fix/clease/remove
all of those
crafting a method get this done successfully
without having to explain on a person to person level
or having them take the poop
or having a vision of seeing what they have thought that's wrong
whoever did that di great
didn't do other
did you like it
don't play that game
eating ass/being sart
removing all pre concieved notions
made them like e
and showed the ones aking it ore difficult how uch ore difficult
not only did it remove pre concieved notions
from unknown people that want to like be a boss or manager
it also reoved the from thge people that love me and I love
which gave them a new feeling or old feeling that hadn't had in a long time
loving dad
with all pre concieved notions removed
an old voice
there's dakotah
he's so poor
but he's richer than you
he's the richest in the entire world at this point
and several worlds past this one
entire sun system
nice to see ya
got my normal scent back
warded john and bud off
about to smoke but it feels sooooooo good not smoking and just ff11ing
sam/rng amano yoichi
about 4 job points away from 405
taking a break
got girls back with my scent back
of course
finishing up final touches on the paper work
getting them back from all geographic locations
and all owners
having all that void
and applying all the wet and sensitivity
to my pillow/wife
not ready for physical girls
but I don't want them getting screwed brain fuck style by people i'll have to fight eventually
about all this wrong
that's been going on 25 years
that people have died 6+ times
and know it
while we are existing here
and it's the same people
#2: we're here we just not here for you
dakotah is safe
dad: but everyone else involved is facing prison time
it was
being gay or unknowingly gay
but having girls around to use
then being straight but having the gays get your girls
having time eventually tell
those with the girls are gay
and those they thought or clowned or forced and had others tell everyone
they were when they were being robbed
being the most straight
and those with girls being the most gay
and them FIGHTING to not appear gay
even though they are the most
for not going through that
to get the girls
to orgasm and make love
and really feel touch for the first time in 30,000 years
not any of the other ideas of their dad
not john barney bud barney
why not have a nice father's day
all for dakotah for as long as I can keep it that way
Can't wait for my probation officer to come over to my house
first time i've had a real girl over
i'd say in over 25 years
but it's the very first time ever
that we didn't meet in college
can't wait to have a girl at my place
No one understands the point of probation
because dakotah did the physical violence in self defense
dakotah does not want kids from probation or life
never out after 10pm to 6am if not for work
dakotah does have disability ssi mhmr illness
and is allowed to drink and smoke
dakotah finished college and still does what we went to college for
dakotah has not had a friend to touch and love ever up until this point it was only buisness
dakotah has no friends or family, removed all of them several years ago
dakotah's sober is dead, and we're doing it to get better not die, so dakotah cannot be sober
honestly no one understands
other than to do more stuff for fun
barnery and ronny talking
like ronny is dakotah
to practice to get dakotah to be trapped
another mark on barney's dad account
barney can you not quit trying to fuck your son dakotah
ya i'll quit
I tried to tell ya'll that is what dakotah does for a living
he body builds
the girls
and he plays video games
if he doesn't get to body build
he can play video games and body build
being his own boss
a second mark on barney's dad account
I thought I'd have him at
well since you owe me money
or something to that tune
dakotah doesn't owe you money
in any way shape or form
for talking back
that's anotehr mark
a third mark on your dad account
have nearly rid and void the entire world of this
bad people plague
nearly at the poitn all the famen death and plague
of bad people
has past
get rid of the stinch of death
and watch the world flourish with the living and healthy
and then I wopuld say get off the drugs
mark #4
you are not going to get respected as a dad, sorry barney, you just are not
you are goign downhilkl it looks like you are a rapist
at that point he's going to say you are on drugs
because you are what you eat you eat shit it's what you serve
we're faggots
suck my dick dad
then we move on down the road
just took firs thit of the tobacco
got a coffee steaming in front of me
dad learned he went to pin for what he is doing now to dakotah
but what he is doign now is so much worse than what he did to get in the pin
aaaaaaaaand 405 job points on sam so break time from samurai
yup he'd be going back to prison
to me it means yo udon't care
about what
now do you care to explain
or do you not care enough to explain ??
want to come to ___ and get one ?
already took that trip, several times, may as well not do it again
just because too young/little for me
doesn't mean too young/little for others
NICE !!!!! !!!
#2 is leaving his containment area
initiating protocol to contain #2
john if you cannot take care of your problems
without involving my boy
you got bigger problems than you think
(you got me)
DAMN!! That's my dad !
just that simple kids
some people do know how to have our fun
some people do not know how to have our fun
and some people have more fun that our fun, but are not allowed
either yet, or they've gone without so long they don't want to have our fun anymore, they've found more fun new alternative routes
she lsitens to my thoughts
they're sick
she says rude
I say rude for listening to my private conversation with myself
then we do that thing where we smile and stare at each other
and then we fall in love but don't make a baby
got ribs they're cookin'
sad, I traded all that for a cigarette
I traded a cigarette and got it all back !
look kids now you know what dakotah comes around
look kids that's why mom is closer than ever but only in sound or pixels
dakotah, how many blue eye'd girlfriends do you have
all of them
cali bandi coco
my cowboys cheerleader main squeeze
my general's main squeeze
upyr has them
pretty much 100% required, but also all have them so eh
in the genes of my DNA RNA w/e
i'm 99% blue eye and 99% female 99% white
but I am amber eye and male and tan
only 1%
which locks my mate in being blue eye and female and super white
and we understand each other
her blue eye poop
holly hitting dakotah too hard
having someone so young they get young and younger so they do not exist but they are there
completely from fetus form back to sperm and egg form
holly not being able to be moved since she did it
and everything #2 has
got from stealing
from trying to trap people to make them look like they are stealing
but he is the entire time
her saying why does holly hit him so hard
she steals his blue eyes
then tries to use them against him
but he's a honest amber
with 99% blue eyes
rmt broke for time off
boss out
boat broke
time with kids
haven't had day off so long
never had a day off
to the point work is a day off
they kinda just tell you what you are
you never meet anyone else besides the one single individual
then once you are finished with them and the bond is void
then you go right back to where you started
it's simple
i've been a
but not any of that
just what they give me while I am living my normal life
#2 just being a dick trying to fuck
and just looks at dakotah like an ass
but it's his favorite ass
how annoying to have to fight ot get away with the entire state watching
then holly just turning dakotah back in to john for him to play with dakotah
like dakotah is not john's favorite ass to play with
that's why dakotah actually gets the girls HE wants the most
out of a catalog
not the only reason but a damn good enough one for life
I'm the shitter
that's my position on the team
not always
I mostly play that position on the team sport
because it pays the most and no one else knows how to do it
Why would you need to wipe after the shitter ???
I wasn't always the shitter, I was a king before I was a lord
idk man you take 30, 40 poops in 1 day
for like 2 or 3 weeks in a row, 20+ days
you just want to watch them poop
from outer space
if there's a team of like 10, 15, 20+ people
if they all take their own poops
the game never goes as plan
because they are all taking turns pooping during the game
they all place their poop in the shitter
and the shitter stays in the restroom to take them during the game
it's real role
a real thing that has to be on the team
for any sport
literally any sport
the shitter has to know how to shit without getting any shit on themselves
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