that's dakotah love, dakotah's brain
holly eat dakotah's love and dakotah's brain
but holly doesn't call it dakotah's love
holly calls it shit
and she makes you ask for your love by asking for her shit
she won't let you ask for your love back
at that point
she compounds all the shit she's taken
then you just get her shit
her shit is giving away your daughter and grand daughters to random johns
so when you can't ask for your love dakotah's love
she always has a new dakotah she is giving her grandkids and dakotah's familiy away to
becaue that's the new retard dakotah
because she gives up on her birth son dakotah
to help the new dakotah
no one cares
someone that raped your family
and you have to keep giving to the rapist
or soemthing like that
she steals your love
she makes you ask for it as her shit
you ask for her shit which is your love
then she serves you her actual shit which is giving dakotah's family away to the next person she decides to lift up
strange relationship we got
it's like she is a corupt manager
not a mom
but that is his shit
giving his daughters away
she forces him to ask for her shit
but won't give the love
so she gives the shit of shit of shit
giving another john one of dakotah's kids
forget it
ya we get forget it
we get that
we're working little girl
she knows he wants his kids, his daughters
but she serves that
which is giving them away to another john or the next dakotah
but she is on heroin meth coke and crystal ice blue
not menton all the shit
so maybe she really doen't understand
some people aint all there
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