
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

the on lsd version of movies

is the normal movie

just with brighter colors

like the acidic look

it's simple

brightness can go up or down doesn't matter

contrast is low

contrast is like conflict it's like battle between two

think of contrast as conflict

the lower it is the less of a battle or war it is between things


this is the good one

think of saturation as wet


the higher the saturation the more wet


is basically how difficult it is to see what you want to see

the lower the hue the easier it is to see

brightness can go up or down

contrast super low

saturation super high

hue super low

works 100% of the time

nothing weird with audio

100% stock audio

nothing weird with effects to trick the human brain while watching

if you wanna do lsd do lsd don't want lsd versions of movies

ya dopes

lsd is cheap

don't be poor

yes and think brightness

in the dark it's hard to find things

the brighter it is, can definitely see more

turning brightness wawaaay up can do that

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